Bunions are a common condition that many adults will have. About 10 to 25 per cent of all adults will develop bunions throughout their lifetime. Don’t worry, though: more often than not, bunions are an annoyance that isn’t life-threatening for many. It can be painful at times, but still manageable.
But don’t be fooled into thinking you can ignore them. While bunions may be a minor inconvenience to the majority, they can be highly disruptive to the lives of some. You could be a victim of inflammation and swelling, and some individuals’ bunions may prevent them from properly wearing shoes or walking. For these people, it’s best to call an orthopaedic doctor in Singapore to receive assistance with these medical issues.
When to call an orthopaedic doctor for your bunions
Before you rush into any clinic in Singapore for orthopaedic surgery, you first have to evaluate your condition and whether it is serious enough for you to require surgery. Untreated bunions can lead to other foot issues and conditions, but most of the time, they can be corrected and prevented with measures that do not require surgery.
Watch out for these signs before asking your orthopaedist if you can consider getting bunion surgery in Singapore.
1. Severe foot pain.
Do you experience pain in your foot even when wearing comfortable shoes? You might need surgery for your feet.
2. Toe deformity.
If you can see a stark difference in the way your toes or the shape of your foot looks, it might be time to consider surgery.
3. An inability to bend or flex your foot or toes.
If you’re experiencing decreased flexibility in your feet, your bunions may be the culprit.
Don’t just leave your foot problems and issues get worse. For more information about how you can address foot conditions, contact Specialist Orthopaedic Centre to see a foot and ankle specialist in Singapore.