Snoring - another common 'silent' problem that is ignored. Snoring can disrupt your sleep, and many individuals tend to have a hard time sleeping. They would look for snoring treatment in Singapore. Despite the health concerns (which are substantial), snoring can play havoc, not just with your sleep pattern. Still, it can also affect other aspects such as relationships!
If you are at your wit's end with being gotten up every hour either to the noise of your very own snoring or being woken up by someone, these four tips will help you fix your snoring problem. However, suppose none of this seems to help. In that case, it's best to approach a local ENT specialist or an ear, nose, throat clinic in Singapore for professional help.
Sleep on your side or front.
The advice is often easier said than done because it's tough to manage your resting placement when you are deeply asleep. Nonetheless, an old technique that even a local ENT specialist in Singapore might give you to consider. You could plant an object and place it at your back so every time you will take a roll-up, it will get you to position again at your side promptly.
Evaluate your diet for specific food intolerance.
Although this probably will not be the most direct solution to the problem, however, you'd be surprised how significant your diet might be. Certain foods influence your breathing, specifically when you have a specific food intolerance. For instance, excessive (or intolerance to) dairy products tend to build up mucus. It then leads to breathing and snoring problems.
Being overweight is one more considerable contributor.
Another factor to consider is your weight. Excess weight in the neck, as well in the chest area, often tends to end up putting a lot more pressure on the breathing passage. Hence, a healthy diet and shedding away more weight may not only solve your snoring but overall allow one to live a healthier lifestyle!
If you are looking for an ENT and sinus specialist in Singapore, visit or contact ENT Surgeons for further details.