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4 Alternative Therapies to Get Instead for Pain Management

· Physiotherapy Clinic,private,natural healing SG,Physiotherapy
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Alternative Therapies For Pain

Here is a list of four alternative therapies you can get from a reputable physiotherapy clinic in your Singapore neighbourhood.

Lower Back Spinal Manipulation

There are about one out of every four adults that experiences lower-back pain. Evidence shows that spinal manipulation works can relieve mild to moderate lower back pain and conventional treatments. Spinal therapy can be part of a conventional physical therapy plan. Chiropractic or osteopathic doctors can also perform this therapy.

Alternative Physical Therapy with Massage

Massage therapy relieves recurring pain and reduces stress and anxiety as an ancient practice. Not much scientific evidence shows why massage therapy works the way it does. However, studies show that massage therapy is an effective relief for lower back and chronic neck pain. Massage is one of the most natural therapies for healing in Singapore and all over the world.

Acupuncture as an Alternative

Most private physiotherapy practices in Singapore, and all over the world, use acupuncture as an alternative option for pain relief. It relies on the strategic placement of needles on the skin to regulate the flow of vital energy in the body. Acupuncture is effective in reducing migraines, osteoarthritis joint pains and knee joint pain and also improves function.

Mind-Body Exercises for Recurring Pain

People do body movements that combine exercise, balance, breathing techniques, concentration and meditation for centuries to restore health. Mind-body manoeuvres like guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation have decreased pain. It also reduces the need to take prescription medications after surgery.

Edge Healthcare has a team of multidisciplinary professionals that work closely with other medical and health practitioners. They will take their time to address all your concerns and put you at ease through thorough examinations and explanations of findings. Find one Edge Healthcare' physiotherapy clinic by searching 'physiotherapy clinic near me'.