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5 Myths About Urinary Incontinence In Mothers

· diastasis recti exer,postpartum belly,urinary incontinence
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Urine incontinence among Singapore mothers often causes misunderstandings because of treatment choices and myths. It is usually a problem that pregnant women encounter.

With this comprehensive guide, you'll learn the truth about urine incontinence in Singapore.

Myth #1. Mothers have to deal with it forever

Although it’s widespread to experience leakage, as the muscle of the pelvis recovers, it frequently improves after childbirth and throughout pregnancy. Like with dealing with divarication of recti with diastasis recti exercises, you can naturally heal from incontinence through Kegel exercises.

Myth #2. You should drink less

Drinking isn't something you should cut out of your diet just because you're worried about the desire to go pee. Drinking too little water might have the opposite effect, increasing your risks of bladder discomfort and urinary incontinence. Water can also help your postpartum belly.

Myth #3. There are no treatments

Urinary incontinence among Singapore women impacts their quality of life. Therefore, receiving the best treatment can be beneficial in the long run. It’s best to get a full-body assessment from a postnatal care centre in Singapore that can help with this.

Myth #4. It’s okay to hold it

Situations where holding pee in or pushing oneself to go when you don't need to might throw off your pelvic floor's usual rhythm. Bladder control is crucial for people suffering from urinary incontinence in Singapore.

Myth #5. It will require surgery

Treatments for urine incontinence in Singapore do not necessitate surgery. There are various treatment non-invasive options, including pelvic exercises, improving lifestyle habits and many more. It will help if you consider going to a postnatal care centre in Singapore to know the proper treatment that you need.

Start your whole-body assessment with Orchard Clinic! They are a postnatal care centre in Singapore that helps mums deal with common body conditions like divarication of recti and urinary incontinence. Let them help you find a suitable treatment suitable for your needs!
