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5 Things that Can Happen to Your Post-Pregnancy Body

· Clinic,Medical Services,Singapore
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Birthing is a miraculous event that no one can ever do except women. All of them undergo some changes in their body after it, such as the famous postpartum belly. If you are having your baby soon, then you should expect these changes. Here are some of them:

Physical problems

Yes, even after birth, you will experience physical problems. With the guidance of your doctor, you can relieve these problems you will experience such as:

  • Leaky bladder

  • Back pain

  • Constipation

Separated stomach muscles

There are two muscles that run down the middle of your stomach, and they separate during pregnancy. It is called diastasis recti, and experts in Singapore have clinics to help you address this by getting regular check-ups with them.

Vaginal discharge

Bloody discharge from the vagina commonly happens for the first several weeks after your pregnancy. It will contain placenta mixed with bright red blood, but it will eventually lighten before it stops altogether. Expect that it may return when you breastfeed and exercise.

Pelvic organ prolapse

It is normal to feel heaviness around your lower tummy and genitals after birth. But, you can fix that with pelvic floor and diastasis recti exercises! These will help in reducing the stomach muscle separation and strengthen the muscles around your bladder, vagina, and bottom.

Swollen breasts

Milk comes in your breasts in about two to four days after delivery. They will become large, hard, and sore. You can alleviate these discomforts by wearing a well-fitting bra and applying ice packs to your breasts. Nursing your baby regularly will also help in relieving pressure.

Do not let these physical changes get in the way of being the best mum! Get your diastasis recti treatment in Singapore from Orchard Clinic if the pain in your belly persists! Visit their website to book a consultation today.