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5 Tips for Minimising Divarication of Recti During Pregnancy

· recti muscles,recti exercises,divarication recti
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Although divarication of recti is common during pregnancy, there is still misinformation about the condition. For this reason, some people suffer from diastasis recti for longer. To avoid this, you should learn how to minimise the separation between abdominal muscles or recti muscles.  With this, you can enjoy your transition to parenthood. 

So, here are the tips to minimise diastasis recti:

  1. Don’t Lift Heavy Objects 

Keeping your core strength is essential during pregnancy. If you put abdominal pressure, divarication of the recti can happen and may compromise your parenthood experience. To solve this, use some supporting belts to help take the constraint off when lifting objects.  

2.Engage Your Lower Abs 

You put abdominal pressure when you sit straight up after laying down. It means you can develop a divarication of the recti. To avoid this, you should use your upper body in lifting your body to stand or sit. In doing so, you can take off some pressure from your recti muscles. 

3.Do Some Exercises 

It is also essential to strengthen your core by doing diastasis recti exercises, even postpartum. There are many exercises that you can do at home. It includes abdominal compressions, pelvic tilts, toe taps, heel slides, and single-leg stretches. 

4.Don’t Forget to Have Some Rest

When dealing with the divarication of recti, it is essential to have some rest when you need it. With this, you can take off some pressure from the abdomen and your overall body. Yes, being a parent is a tiring journey, but don't forget to take some rest in a day if you have the time. 

5.Go to Check-ups 

Most importantly, the best way to deal with your recti muscles is to check-ups with your doctor. Set a schedule monthly to track your progress. After that, you can follow the doctor’s advice for an overall recovery process.

To enjoy the parenthood stage, allow Orchard Clinic to deal with your divarication of recti. Contact a doctor to know diastasis recti exercises for your body. 
