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5 Useful Tips Post Vein Surgery

· spider veins SG,treatment,varicose veins SG,deep vein thrombosis,vein clinic SG


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If you are going to have surgery for varicose veins in Singapore, you might be wondering what it will be like afterwards. The truth is that how well you follow your after-surgery instructions can have a big impact on how well your surgery goes. 

Here are the top five things you can do to make sure your varicose vein surgery goes well.

Inquire Sleeping Suggestions

After vein surgery, it can be hard to sleep. Talk to your doctor about home remedies, over-the-counter drugs, and prescription medications for getting a good night's sleep, then. Before you go home from surgery, have them ready.

Before the Pain Goes, It Gets Worse.

A lot of people say that the pain of spider vein treatment in Singapore is at its worst on days 8 to 10. Then, it gets better. By day 14, your pain should be very low.

Ask about Blood Thinners

Most medicines can be taken again after spider vein treatment in Singapore, but blood thinners (like aspirin, Plavix, and Coumadin) may not work well. The risks and benefits of taking these drugs again can vary from person to person. You should talk to your doctor about it.

Put on the Compression Tights

These stockings can help people recover more quickly from vein surgery by reducing the risk of scarring. Most people don't like the way they feel. Try to wear these stockings for at least two weeks after your trip to the vein clinic in Singapore, but don't push it.

Walk Daily for At Least 10 Minutes

After the first two days of rest after varicose vein surgery, try to walk for at least 10 minutes every day for two weeks. Speeding things up like this can help people get rid of spider veins faster in Singapore.

If you're looking for more treatment about deep veins and have deep vein thrombosis in Singapore, visit Cheng SC Vein & Endovascular Clinic for more info on treatments.