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How Physical Therapy Can Help Treat Diastasis Recti

· diastasis recti exer,Postnatal care Singa
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Post partum belly becomes one of the most usual concerns for new mums after giving birth. In several cases, diastasis recti can resolve itself after delivering the baby or after losing weight. In some cases, a physician may recommend physical therapy for treating this condition.

While some mothers are also concerned about opting for postnatal care in Singapore for themselves and their babies, the rehabilitation of the body is also a crucial part of recovery after giving birth. Physical therapy can be ideal for conditioning your body to return to performing normal activities and treating the divarication of recti.

Here are ways how physical therapy can help your diastasis recti condition:

Proper posture training

Posture plays a significant factor when treating diastasis recti or DRA (diastasis recti abdominis). Most diastasis recti exercises that focus on posture training are aimed to emphasise breathing activities to help activate your deep core muscles, such as pelvic floor and transverse abdominal muscles. It will also help reduce the pressure on stomach muscles as well.

Electrical muscle training

Electrical muscle stimulation is an excellent alternative to working out in the gym in an endless marathon. Many are experiencing the benefit of electrical muscle training or stimulation in treating diastasis recti when given proper exercise. It treats divarication of recti or DRA by stimulating the rectus abdominis muscles.


Physical therapy is more than just performing the best diastasis recti exercises. For new mothers, it is best to avoid activities that can strain the abdominus muscles - which can worsen the diastasis recti condition. A physical therapist can assist in performing selected movements and exercises that are stress-free and can help treat the divarication of recti.

Stabilising Bracing

New mums can benefit from bracing for stabilising are affected by diastasis recti. Physical therapists can prescribe garments or bracing that will allow you to perform your everyday tasks without being too concerned with your diastasis recti.

If you are looking for postnatal care or treatment for urinary incontinence in Singapore, visit Orchard Clinic for more info.
