Pregnancy and childbirth are physically, emotionally, and mentally draining for mothers. In nine months, the woman's body undergoes a rollercoaster of changes. For this reason, it is only understandable that mums don't return to their normal body state after giving birth. Women have to give way to the postnatal care period in Singapore to regain their strength and recover from pregnancy and childbirth.
Here are a few tips on how mums can recover from giving birth safely and quickly:
1. Adequate Rest
Mums pour out their strength during childbirth, so it is normal for them to be exhausted after giving birth. However, mums are encouraged to rest and have an adequate amount of sleep during the postpartum period. Mums should ask for help from their partner, relative, or close kin in taking care of the house.
2. Healthy Diet
Food is the best way to regain strength and speed up healing after giving birth. It is typical for mums to have a mummy belly or divarication of the recti, so weight loss is the last thing mums should worry about. Eating healthy food helps supply the body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs. Foods for lactation like oats, kale, spinach are ideal diet inclusion.
3. Exercise
Kegel exercises help strengthen the recti muscles. The divarication of the recti causes diastasis recti or mummy belly among women. Weak recti muscles also aggravate lower back pain. Mums should consult their postnatal care provider in Singapore for appropriate postpartum exercises.
4. Breastfeed
Nursing the baby has a lot of benefits for mothers. Firstly, some mothers lose weight due to breastfeeding. Breastfeeding also helps the uterus to return to its natural state. It also neutralises the hormonal levels of the mother.
5. Emotional Support
It is common for mothers to suffer from emotional and mental stress after giving birth. Mum needs to have a support system during the postnatal care period in Singapore.
A healthy mummy means a healthy baby! You can take care of your baby more if your body is well.
Orchard Clinic provides postnatal care for mums in Singapore. Visit Orchard Clinic today.