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How Traditional Chinese Medicine Helps People

· tcm singapore,chinese medicine,acupuncture
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Traditional Chinese medicine in Singapore has been trusted by many people for how many years now. It gives energy, balance, and harmony to the body to help you relax, heal, and prevent diseases. However, not all people know that TCM has more to offer. Let this article be your guide in knowing more about traditional Chinese medicine. 


When people hear TCM in Singapore, the first thing that comes to their mind is to relax and massage. But, there is more to TCM that many people do not know, like its principle in improving the body through natural movement. It is the purpose of Qi – the life or vital energy. 


Qi, or the vital energy, keeps the body healthy by making its flow continuous. A TCM clinic could use mediation, Chinese herbal products, acupuncture, tai chi, and cupping as treatments. 


The herbal products used in traditional Chinese medicine depend on the condition of a person. They could do some combinations to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the herbs. You might be familiar with red yeast rice, ginkgo Biloba, cinnamon, and ginseng. 


If you want to get slim or lose weight, TCM could help you. There are slimming massages that target the parts where you want to remove fats. It also helps in blood circulation. 


Having a child is hard for some couples. Some need to undergo different tests and procedures to see why it is hard for them to conceive. But, TCM could also help you with that through acupuncture for fertility. It provides balance and life energy by targeting acupoints in your body. 

If you want to undergo TCM, search for a TCM clinic in Singapore or visit Thomson Chinese Medicine’s website. You will see all the offers and services they have for their patients.
