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Is it Time for Your Kid to See a Podiatrist? Here are 5 Signs!

· Podiatrist,Podiatrist clinic,Singapore
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As a parent, the greatest challenge might be the guessing game you have to play to know if they need medical help. You have no other choice but to rely on signs. So if you need to know if your child needs to go to a podiatry clinic, pay attention to these signs!

Complaining about foot pain

Crying is the most common signal that you will receive from your child if they feel hurt. Some children will also complain about the pain they are feeling, so pay attention to what they are saying! Encourage them to point to the source of the pain to know the severity of their foot.

Refusal to wear shoes

When a child has foot problems, they will refuse to do anything that would make them feel the pain again. For instance, they will refuse to wear shoes because they are tight and cause them to suffer from ingrown nails pain. Take them to a podiatrist if this happens.

Their walk changed

This is not hard to miss since you know how your child walks and how they should walk. Straight back with aligned shoulders. But, if your child does not walk this way anymore, then it must be a sign that something is wrong, or that they have a foot problem that prevents them from walking normally.

They just had an injury

Every foot injury that your child acquired during sports requires a visit from a nearby podiatry centre in Singapore. The people there will know the right treatment for every foot injury more than a paediatrician can. So, allow them to examine your child’s injury first before going to your trusted doctor.

They are always sleepy

Foot pains can also be felt at night when your child is on their bed. As a result, they have a hard time falling asleep. When they cannot sleep early, they always feel sleepy in the morning. You will notice this when it is hard to wake them up in the morning.

If you noticed one or two of these signs, then it is time to take your child to a reputable podiatry clinic in Singapore! Go to ECPC today. Visit their website to know the location of the clinic.