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Things To Consider Before Consulting A Urologist In Singapore

· Urology,Health,Doctor
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Is your bladder not feeling great lately? Maybe you should get a checkup soon. Visit a urologist in Singapore who can check your bladder, kidney, or urethra for signs of infection. If you have problems with your urinary tracts, then you should undergo extensive treatment as soon as possible.

Besides your bladder and kidneys, urologists can also check your reproductive system to see if you may be experiencing any severe problems with your genitals. Overall, your urologist will help you prevent your bladder, kidneys, and genitals from getting infected.

While all doctors are professionals, here’s a chance that you could feel uncomfortable with your urology doctor in Singapore, especially if you’re going to get your genitals checked up. Since it’s your body that’s going to be examined, finding the right doctor is a personal decision that you should consider.

Find the right doctor for you! Here are some things you should consider before you consult a urologist in Singapore.


Is your urologist a well-known doctor in their field? If yes, then it’s worth their background for any validation regarding their expertise. You can ask the clinic to request a list of reviews or referrals. Try visiting the clinic’s website (if they have one) to see their list of doctors. When you’re there, read any information about your urologist, including his or her experience and credentials.

If you have a go-to doctor or primary care physician, you can ask them for a list of referrals. They’ll hand over a record of doctors in the field of urology in Singapore that you can view to find out which one is the most credible.

Better yet, if a family or friend already had a checkup with a urologist, you can ask for their recommendation instead; it's much easier and less time-consuming.


Has the doctor undergone extensive training in the past? How long have they been treating their patients in the field of urology? Ask these questions to find out if your urologist has enough experience to make sure you’ll get positive results. After all, experience matters the most in the medical field, which is why you should consult a doctor who’s experienced and trained to give you the treatment your body needs.


There’s nothing wrong with choosing a doctor based on their gender if you’re not comfortable with consulting someone from the opposite sex. For instance, if you’re a woman, you might feel more comfortable if you get a checkup with a female urologist in Singapore. If you’re a man, then find a male urologist.

In the end, the gender that you'll find more comfortable to be with should dictate your choice. Whether you’ll choose a male or female doctor is up to you.


Like restaurants and retail stores, hospitals and clinics are businesses that rely on establishing credibility to build a reputation and gain more patients. Sure, all private medical institutions offer professional help for those in need, but what about their quality of services? Are they able to make their patients happy while they take care of them?

Read reviews and ratings about the clinic or hospital. That way, you’ll discover any positive and negative experiences from patients during their time in the institution.


Since it’s 2020 already, there’s almost no reason to use outdated technology, especially if a patient’s health is at stake. Check your urologist’s tools and devices to see if they’re advanced or not. If they use modern medical equipment, you’ll have a better chance of getting accurate results when the urologist will test you.


Finding the right doctor for you is similar to hiring the perfect employee for your business. One big difference is that you’re searching for someone who’ll benefit your health, not your business. If that’s the case, then you could conduct an interview with several urologists. You don’t have to schedule a formal interview per se, but rather discuss your concerns with your urologist and ask vital questions.

Talk with your doctor as if it was a normal one-on-one discussion, and find out how many years they’ve been in the field of urology, how many patients they’ve treated, and where they studied. Asking these questions will help you gain more insight into the doctor’s experience. As a result, you’ll discover if they’re the right doctor for you.

With so many male and female doctors in the field of urology, you’ll never run out of options. Take note of these mentioned tips so you can have an easier time finding the right urology doctor in Singapore. Take your time so you can request an appointment with the ideal doctor who’ll make sure your urinary tracts are healthy!