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Why Choose Invisible Aligners Over Traditional Braces?

· Invisalign Singapore,invisible braces,invisible aligners
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Do you have crooked teeth? Perhaps, a gap in between? We all want a pretty smile and a beautiful set of teeth. One way to improve our smiles and teeth is by wearing braces. Before, the only option people had was metal braces. Today, there are numerous options, including invisible braces in Singapore

Here are the reasons why you should consider invisible aligners.

1.Shorter treatment period and fewer orthodontist visit

Several factors affect the treatment period of braces, including the teeth and jaw conditions. On average, metal braces treatment may last 18 months to 2 years, while invisible aligners treatment in Singapore may last 2 to 6 months. 

People who have Invisalign in Singapore visit their orthodontist less frequently than those who have metal braces. 

2.Less Pain

It is common for people who have metal braces to experience discomfort and even get sores and lesions on the gums, cheeks, and tongue a few weeks after metal braces. An Invisalign in Singapore is made of clear plastic with a smooth surface. They cause less pain, discomfort, and irritation in the mouth. 

3.No Food Restrictions

Sticky and chewy food, such as gum, bagel, and caramel candies, are not allowed for people wearing wires and brackets of metal braces. People wearing invisible braces in Singapore have no food restrictions at all, as they are removed during meal times. 

4.It Can Be A Protective Gear

Typically, invisible aligners in Singapore are worn like a mouthguard. Your invisible aligners protect your teeth when you are grinding them while asleep. 

5.Better Appearance

Invisalign in Singapore are made of clear plastic, making them almost invisible to the eye. Compared to bulky wires and brackets of metal braces, invisible aligners are more aesthetically pleasing. 


Invisible braces in Singapore can treat numerous conditions, such as overbite, underbite, overcrowding teeth, and gap teeth. Generally, they are as effective as metal braces.

Don't hide your perfect smile from the world! With invisible aligners, you can smile from ear to ear without getting conscious. 

Get your Invisible braces in Singapore at MyBracesClinic. Visit MyBracesClinic today. 
