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5 TCM Practices To Help Balance The Flow Of Qi

· tcm singapore,tcm clinic singapore,traditional medicine


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Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) procedures in Singapore can treat and prevent disease. There are many health ailments for which more experts employ TCM in Singapore, such as heart disease, mental health issues, and chronic pain.

Its ultimate objective is to promote the healthy flow of qi to bring in and yang into harmony with one another. If you plan to visit a TCM clinic in Singapore, here are some practices you can expect.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine method in Singapore in which tiny needles are inserted into particular places on the body to activate nerves. Aside from treating various ailments, there is also acupuncture for fertility that helps married couples conceive.

Cupping therapy

Cupping therapy is part of TCM in Singapore, where they use heated suction cups to increase energy flow in the body and speed recovery. Many people feel that cupping is beneficial for achieving a healthy yin and yang balance because it aids the body's resilience to infections.

Drinking Chinese herbs

Chinese herbs serve as the foundation for TCM therapeutic principles. Drinking herbs, tea, and powder help maintain the body's four elements in balance because they have a variety of health-enhancing properties. You can inquire about the right herbs to drink when you visit a TCM clinic in Singapore.


Traditional Chinese medicine in Singapore has its roots in the practice of meditation. It is more than just quietly sitting as it helps lower your heart rate and relax your muscles. It is also a natural way of gaining a sense of well-being that can help you long term.

Tai Chi

Tai chi is another practice of TCM in Singapore, where the motions intend to energise and balance your body's energy. It shows to slow the ageing process, improve flexibility, and improve posture and tendons of the lower body.

Thomson Chinese Medicine is a TCM clinic in Singapore that helps patients with anything from fertility assistance to pain treatment and enhancing children's health. They provide safe, personalised, and successful therapies to their patients. Visit them to see their services! 
