Snoring can be due to physical abnormalities that medical practitioners can treat with surgery. There are a few surgical procedures that can improve snoring. However, all of it should only be the last resort. Here is a list of surgical snoring treatment options from ENT clinics in Singapore.
#1 Laser-Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty
The surgeon will use a laser to remove tissue from the uvula in the neck and the soft palate during this procedure. Due to the high prevalence of undesirable side effects, the operation has been controversial in recent years. Some doctors still believe it is beneficial. Nonetheless, many doctors chose to stop giving this treatment.
#2 Palatal Implants
Palatal implants, like laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty, are a less invasive surgical alternative for stiffening the soft palate. However, palatal implants are far less contentious. According to studies, the implants considerably reduce snoring in some persons. In addition to snoring, doctors may recommend this snoring treatment to patients in Singapore as a therapy for obstructive sleep apnea.
#3 Somnoplasty
Somnoplasty is similar to laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty and palatal implants in that it removes uvula tissue and strengthens the soft palate. Instead of lasers or implants, somnoplasty alters tissues in the mouth and throat with radio waves. According to research, somnoplasty successfully lowers snoring in certain people, although not as efficiently as palatal implants.
Before deciding on any course of treatment, it is best to visit a reputable ear, nose and throat clinic in Singapore to consult a doctor about your condition.
Dr Dennis Chua is a reputable ENT and sinus doctor from Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre. He believes in a multidisciplinary, holistic approach to personal wellness. His advanced ENT surgical talents included endoscopic, robotic ENT/thyroid surgery, transoral robotic, and laser microsurgery.
Choose a trusted sinus specialist in Singapore, like Dr Dennis Chua. Visit Dr Chua’s office if you require an ear, nose, and throat expert or sleep treatment. Contact the clinic if you have any concerns or would like to schedule an appointment.