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A Guide to Sleep Apnea in Women from ENT Specialists

· ear nose throat,snoring treatment,ent doctor
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Sleep apnea is a type of sleep disorder that is characterized by obstructive breathing when sleeping. Since breathing is an involuntary process for living organisms, having a little disruption on your breathing when you are unconscious can simply be regarded as a not that serious condition. This shouldn’t be the case as sleep apnea can cause long-term problems when left untreated.

When talking about sleep apnea, we might be quick to assume that it only occurs in kids and adult men. We rarely associate sleep apnea with women since it is rare for women to develop this condition. For one, women’s body built made it almost impossible to develop sleep apnea. They have wider throats and smaller adenoids compared to men. Moreover, women tend to breathe softer than men do. However, it is important to note that women can have sleep apnea too, just that they don’t have the same symptoms as men. Today, we opted to share with you some of the conditions to look out for before setting an appointment with an ENT doctor in Singapore.


The type of insomnia associated with sleep apnea might be slightly different from the typical one. When your insomnia is caused by obstructive breathing, it is often characterized by light sleeping or waking up in the middle of the night due to a shortage of air. 

Unusual Fatigue

When you do not have an active lifestyle yet you feel tired and overwhelmed for most parts of the day, it can be attributed to sleep apnea. When we have shortness of breath, our muscles tend to become stiff. We also tend to catch our breath during the day to supply the needed oxygen when doing strenuous activities.


Depression among women is also linked to sleep apnea according to most Ears, Nose and Throat Specialists. Apart from the physiological reason for this, we have to understand that women undergo hormonal changes that can easily lead to depression when they are not in their perfect condition.

Morning Headaches

One of the most noticeable signs of sleep apnea among women is the constant headaches during the morning. It is because of the lack of oxygen going through the brain at nighttime. Thus, when you have reoccurring headaches in the morning, it is safe to consult an ENT doctor at Mount Elizabeth.

For more information about sleep disorders and conditions concerning the ears, nose and throat, visit ENT Surgeons today!
