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Diastasis Recti: 2 Treatments Using Exercises and HIFEM Technology

· urinary incontinence,divarication of rect

Diastasis recti is a partial or complete separation of your rectus abdominis, also known as your "six-pack" muscles that meet at the midline of your stomach. Diastasis recti can lead to various types of pain, urinary incontinence or constipation issues if you fail to address this postpartum belly problem. Exercises for the traverse abdominis and cardiovascular exercise can eliminate diastasis recti.

After their pregnancy, 33-60% of pregnant women will experience diastasis recti. It makes treatment crucial, especially in postnatal care, for Singapore women. 

Improve your healing time by utilising cutting-edge technologies. HIFEM technology and diastasis recti tailored exercises are two effective treatments.


HIFEM® stands for high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology. It employs an effective yet non-invasive electromagnetic stimulation to constrict the muscles in a specific location. These magnetic fields generate electrical currents to the muscles of your postpartum belly. When these magnetic pulses are quick enough, they cause the muscles to tense, similar to how they do during exercises.

As a result, when the muscles contract frequently enough, they begin to create studier muscles and burn fat. 

HIFEM is a non-invasive alternative to procedures like fat transfer and liposuction. The effects of HIFEM shown in an MRI from a study displays an increase in muscle mass. It demonstrates that HIFEM® technology is an effective therapy for arm and calf toning.

Emsculpt is the latest body contouring treatment. Along with improving muscle tone and burning fat, Emsculpt is a revolutionary treatment that can help treat Diastasis Recti. It is the first non-surgical method for improving this condition which typically affects women after pregnancy. 

Exercising and Physical Therapy

A burst belly button and stretch marks aren't the only changes your abdomen undergoes due to a developing baby. Your uterus grows to make room for your baby during pregnancy. It increases the outward strain on the abdominal wall, stretching and weakening the muscles. You may have noticed a gap between the left and right sides of your ab muscles after giving birth.

It is crucial to get a proper diagnosis, so it's best to see a physical therapist if you're experiencing symptoms or suspect you have diastasis recti. Here are four diastasis recti tailored exercises you can perform to help repair tummy muscles.

#1 Glute Bridge

Bridges are great as part of your diastasis recti exercises. It is not just to engage the rectus abdominis. It can also strengthen the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. These muscles are essential for carrying out daily tasks such as scooping up your infant and lifting heavy items.

How: Lie face up on the ground, knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Keep your arms by your sides and your heels about a foot apart from your buttocks. Raise your hips off the ground, tightening your glutes at the top. You should avoid overextending your back because it can create strain. Professionals recommend performing two sets of ten repetitions.

#2 Plank

Plank exercises are a full-body technique. It gets all of your core muscles heated up and functioning together. Planks can also help reduce your postpartum belly.

How: Begin by kneeling on the ground and placing your shoulders over your wrists. Feel it as you tuck your pelvis in. It engages your core as you extend both your legs straight behind. Hold your plank for fifteen seconds and gradually increase as you get accustomed to the routine.

#3 Dynamic Lunge Stretch

Because of your increasing bulge, the rectus femoris shortens during pregnancy. It pulls on the front of the pelvis, causing tension on the ab muscles. This lunge variant lengthens the rectus femoris and relieves strain on the abdominal muscles.

How: The exercise begins in a high lunge position. Bend your front leg and straighten the other leg behind you. Perform one rep by bending the extended leg behind you without moving your front leg. Keep your back and chest tall as you straighten your leg. Perform ten repetitions to complete one set.

#4 Crunches

Put crunches at the last part of your diastasis recti exercises because they only target the rectus abdominis. It helps to strengthen the muscle and restore the separation of the abs. 

How: Lie face-up on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat. Lift your head and shoulders off the ground as you move your hands up your thighs on an exhalation. One rep happens after lowering your head and shoulders to the ground. Complete two sets of five reps and work your way up to ten reps.

Come to Orchard Clinic in Singapore for all of your postnatal care needs. The clinic offers a one-of-a-kind approach to cutting-edge therapy and allows women to recover through high-quality conservative therapies. Orchard Clinic also provides treatments to help women's bodies heal after pregnancy and menopause. 

Orchard clinic diagnoses and treats abdominal separation and urinary incontinence in Singapore women as a speciality treatment centre. They also treat the divarication of women's recti and vaginal laxity.

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