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How to Better Manage Your Eczema

· Skincare
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Living with eczema is not easy. Not only does it have no permanent cure, but the symptoms show spontaneously. You cannot predict when will the next flare-ups be because the triggers vary. You need to have an eczema cream with you at all times. Moisturising your skin with an eczema cream will help prevent it from getting worse.

Here are some tips on how to better manage your eczema:

  • Get Some Recommendations
    Consider joining an eczema support group within your community. Not only is it comforting to meet people with the same struggles, but they can give you tips on how to prevent flare-ups. They may also recommend some effective eczema creams in Singapore.
  • Do Some Home Remedies
    If a flare-up has occurred, then there are a couple of home remedies you can do. One of which is applying ice on your skin. Just make sure to wrap your skin first with a terry cloth to avoid direct contact with the ice. It will help stop the itch. You can also do a colloidal oatmeal bath. Doing this will moisturise the skin and ease the itching sensation.
  • Consider Essential Oils
    Essential oils could pass off as an eczema moisturizer in Singapore. Just like other topical creams for eczema, the oils can make the skin barrier stronger and relieve itching. It is a natural way you can manage your eczema.
  • Consult Your Doctor
    If you want to make sure that the eczema cream you have purchased works for you, then consult your physician. They can help you determine whether the product will not further irritate the skin.
  • Ask for Samples
    You may also ask your physician if they have some products available for eczema. You can ask for a sample and test if it works for you. You never know you may discover a more effective and more affordable cream or moisturiser.

The key to managing eczema is to find the right eczema cream for you. If you are still on the search for that cream, then you may want to check out Mummybrand. Aside from regular eczema creams, they also have a gentler eczema cream for babies in Singapore.