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What I Learned from My Doctor When I Got Diastasis Recti

· Clinic,Medical,Singapore

I had a problem that affects a lot of women in the world, but only a few know about it. It is commonly called diastasis recti, and more technically called as a process of divarication of recti muscles. For some women, their ab muscles join back together. But, for others like me, they need help. This phenomenon or condition often happens to women who have carried multiples, had a c section, or have had multiple pregnancies. In my case, it happened to me because my body is built to have a small torso, and a baby that was transverse for most of her 3rd trimester. I remember when it was her time to come out, my muscles and linea alba were stretched to the max. Nonetheless, it was a successful c section. A few after she was born, I think I did what all mothers do. I started doing a few crunches and sit-ups since I wanted to get my body back. It hurt, most of the time, and nothing was happening. My body still bulged out. It was then we decided to have me checked with the physicians near me, specifically Orchard Clinic! Allow me to tell you about my experience with them and what I have learned from them.

It is normal to have it

I admit I got insecure from all the sexy mums I see in our neighbourhood or on the internet. It was almost as if I had more confidence when I was almost 200 pounds while I was pregnant. It did not feel right. But, my doctor assured me that this is normal, having diastasis recti. I should not be hiding indoors when I have it. Instead, she encouraged me to be active! So, it was comforting to know that this is not my fault. It is just how it works for some women, and one of those women is me.

There is a solution

After the reassurance, she lay down a treatment plan for me. This happened after she had full knowledge of my medical history and my current health condition. It was a relief for me since I know that I am receiving some kind of special treatment. She guided me through the process and did not leave me hanging when I am curious about my condition, and how I can do recti muscles exercises at-home. It is normal to get scared, too! I have received emotional support from my doctor from time to time. I appreciate it so much. So, rest assured that they will come up with an effective solution!

Watch over your body

In motherhood, few mums get reminded to watch over themselves as much as they watch over their baby. Well, I am not one of those mums. Since this is my first child, I get trapped into many ideas about how to properly take care of an infant, and not enough about how to get my body back to its normal condition. So, imagine my surprise when I received self-care tips from my doctor at Orchard Clinic. Let me share some of it with you.

  • Eat the right foods

  • Do diastasis recti exercises regularly

  • Strengthen your core

  • Focus on creating stability across your abdomen

  • Wear abdominal braces or wraps

  • Practice diaphragm breathing

These and regular check-ups with your trusted doctor will speed up your healing process. Soon enough, your body will be ready for another baby! Remember that if these tips are too much for your body, or are not recommended by your current doctor, do not do it.

Patience is key

There is no fast forward to this treatment. Even the process of separation of recti muscles took over months before you noticed it. So, patience is key when it comes to treating it with your trusted physician! For me, reminding myself that it is going to be okay helped in the process. More than that, it helped ease my anxieties. Protecting your mental health is crucial for your sake as a mum and your baby as well!

Do I recommend Orchard Clinic?

There may be plenty of physiotherapists working in clinics in Singapore, but you can only trust a few of them. It is vital to take note that there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to healing your diastasis recti. So, it is only appropriate that you find the right professional who can cater to you and your body’s needs. For me, it was the people from Orchard Clinic. Their impeccable treatment to restore my recti muscles is something worth recommending to mums who are like me. What I am saying is that, yes, I highly recommend them if you want to get treated as well!

You can book a consultation with them today! Visit their website to contact them.