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4 Things That a Foot Doctor in Singapore Can Do for You

· bunion surgery SG,ankle specialist,orthopaedic doctor


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 With 26 bones, 30 joints, and over 100 muscles and ligaments, your foot is truly a marvel of human anatomy. It has the capacity to support the weight of your entire body. It’s even capable of enduring the stresses associated with high-energy movement like running or jumping. They have carried us for years and will do so for as long as we are able-bodied.

But even with the amazing durability and strength of our feet, we’re not immune to injury and other foot issues. Enter the orthopaedic doctor in Singapore, a specialist who helps you with musculoskeletal issues.

An orthopaedic doctor can be a foot and ankle specialist in Singapore. What kind of services can orthopaedic doctors provide? Here are a few examples

   1. Identify and diagnose your foot condition. 

An orthopaedic doctor specialises in the musculoskeletal parts of your foot. If you’re experiencing foot pains and you suspect it may be coming from your bones or muscles, they’re the best person to call.

   2. Prevent and correct foot deformities. 

Some foot conditions can develop slowly over time. To prevent further damage or deformity to your feet, orthopaedic doctors can recommend treatments.

   3. Perform surgery. 

Certain orthopaedists can perform Singapore orthopaedic surgery if other treatments do not help you. Certain diseases and conditions, such as arthritis or bunions, could be too serious to correct without surgical treatments.

    4. Help you recover faster after injury or treatments. 

Sometimes, feet can’t heal properly after a major injury or procedure without the help of certain implements. Your doctor can prescribe you a brace, cast, or splint to help you heal properly.

Need bunion surgery in Singapore or other services concerning your foot and ankle? Consult Specialist Orthopaedic Centre for more information about treatments.


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