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Four Telltale Signs That You Need to Have a Vascular Surgery for Your Varicose Veins Now

· veins treatment
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Are you struggling with vein issues, but don’t know if they’re serious enough to warrant a visit to a vein specialist? Keep this in mind: vein pain is something that you don’t want to play around with. Your veins play a crucial role in your body. They are what pumps the blood that’s been dispersed throughout your body back up to your heart.

Without the ability to properly function, your veins are unable to perform their duty. So how do you know when it’s time to see a vein doctor?

Here are four telltale signs that say it is time.

1. Your legs feel weak at the end of the day, or after standing for a while

Though it may seem normal for your legs to feel weak after standing for long periods of time, really it is not. This weakness can be a sign of vein issues. Varicose veins can make your legs feel weak and heavy, which worsens by standing on them for hours.

2. You have dry, itchy skin or spot a rash near your ankle

Skin issues such as dryness/itchiness or a rash may be a sign you have vein problems that have been left untreated. The signs you see on your skin are a result of the high blood pressure levels in your damaged veins. Blood is not flowing back up to your heart with these broken veins which means your skin will suffer.

3. Your leg pain is making your daily life difficult

Just because you have leg pain does not mean that you have vein issues. However, varicose veins cause leg pain, particularly aching and throbbing. And the more you go about your daily activities with varicose veins, the more the pain increases.

4. Your veins have turned blue or purple, and are bulging

If you spot your veins changing colour and/or bulging, you’ve got to get yourself in with a vascular surgeon in Singapore. Your veins turning blue or purple, and bulging is caused by the swelling and irritation of your varicose veins. When they reached this point, your veins will develop a blood clot, which restricts blood from flowing through the vein at all.

Do not take any chances, visit our website to schedule a vascular surgery in Singapore today.